Recently, on a seemingly regular day in the small town of Irmo, officers were called to the scene of a shocking crime. A resident of the quiet New Friarsgate Subdivision had reported a shooting on August 3, 2024. The flashing lights and officer presence shook the homely community to its core.
Now charged with four counts of attempted murder and possession of a weapon during a violent crime, 20-year-old Maurice T. McQuire, a resident of Chapin, SC, was arrested. Coming ten days after the initial report of gunfire, his capture on August 16, 2024, ended the community’s growing anxiety. Police had swiftly transported him to the Alvin S. Glenn Detention Center, where McQuire was subsequently denied bond by the authorities.
With two houses and a car in the area being damaged by the hail of bullets, the event was feeling too real for the folks living in this subdivision. Luckily, by some bedroom-town miracle, no one was injured in the shooting. Community members and authorities alike breathed a sigh of relief.
“To commit this act in broad daylight in a neighborhood shows just how reckless and dangerous McQuire is,” Irmo Police Chief Bobby Dale shared. He emphasized the serious threat that the young man’s brazen behavior posed to the residents of Irmo. Every neighborhood has its share of stories, but this incident was a bit heavy for this quiet suburb.
The untiring efforts of the investigators did not go unnoticed, as the police chief took the time to praise their work. “I am proud of the work our investigators put in to have McQuire jailed and thankful that his bond was denied,” Dale said. Victory in this case was delivered by the dedication and commitment of officers who worked around the clock to get McQuire into custody.
The tranquil community, known mostly for its friendly residents and welcoming atmosphere, is on its way to normalcy after this unsettling incident. Evidence of the shooting will eventually be repaired, but the memory of this incident serves as a stark reminder of the risk that comes with recklessness.
We are hopeful that swift justice and responsive policing will help keep the peace and security of the New Friarsgate Subdivision and protect the friendly, tight-knit community it houses.
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